André Golubić, Owner
André is the father of two wonderful sons, has worked in the event planning and hospitality world for over a decade, is a real estate investor and broker, and recently became a certified Yoga instructor! André rescued the Howard House when is was marketed as a "tear-down" a decade ago, and ventured into reviving it. He has restored several historic homes in Atlanta's historic neighborhoods, has a love for vintage musical instruments and cars, live music, creative writing, and perhaps most of all, travel!
Jake Plancon, Property Manager
Jake is a guy. He has teeth and hair and is pretty nice.
Nicola Vann, Executive Assistant/Operations Manager
Papa, Intern
Nicola is a native Californian, a proud TarHeel, and a happy honorary Southerner. She joined the company the summer of 2017 and very much enjoys spending her day at such a beautiful place. When she is not working for the Howard House, Nicola works professionally as an actress.
Papa is a 6-month old Bernese Mountain Dog. He joined the company in November of 2017 and has been the favorite employee ever since.